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"One of a Kind / First of its Kind"

Brian Wilburn "12"

"Imagine a world in which the City of Rowlett / County of Rockwall hosts a "One of a Kind / First of its Kind" place in the United States of America not only of natural beauty but by design, a place that can change lives, save lives!! Imagine Rowlett, Texas at the forefront of a world-wide effort to raise awareness about the epidemic of Veteran and First Responder Suicide. Imagine a place that offers solutions and alternatives to suicide through counseling, training, and peer support a no cost to the user! Imagine a place where families can go to honor, reflect and remember a life lived in Service to ones Community and Country. Imagine being able to finally smash the stigma that death BECAUSE OF your duty as a member of our armed forces or a First Responder Agency is any less Honorable than than dying on duty or in the line of duty!! Imagine the vision that is HEROES BRIDGE MEMORIAL PARK!!"

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